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Donate Items

Donate Items

How can YOU help?

Thank you for your interest in helping those served by the Downtown Mission!

Whether it’s a hot meal, a night in our Emergency Shelter or a chance at a better tomorrow through our Enterprise or Phoenix Programs, those who come to the Mission depend on the generosity and kindness of our community to help them get through their difficult times and stay hopeful for their futures.

YOU can help!

Make a donation today and help change the life of someone hurting in your community!

How to Donate

  • Donate by Credit Card online
  • Call 519-973-5573 to make a donation by phone with your credit card
  • Donate by e-transfer to
  • Mail a check to 875 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor On N9A 4J6

Other ways to help

  • Donate Items from our Frequently needed items list of Food, Toiletries, or Gift Cards
  • Make a secure financial donation through our website
  • Join our Circle of Giving and make a difference 365 days   a year

Donate Food & Items

Want to contribute in another way? How about donating some food? This season we could always use some items like:

• Canned Proteins such as Tuna

• Canned fruits in own Juices or Light Syrup

• Grains – Pasta, whole wheat pasta, White rice, brown rice, Macaroni and cheese

• Canned Vegetables – Low sodium/no salt added

• Soups – Beef stew, chili, chicken noodle, vegetable, assorted soups

• Sauces – Pasta sauce, tomatoes, gravy

• Juices – Fruit & Vegetable: individual & family size

• Tea: Instant coffee: Hot chocolate

• Condiments – Salad Dressings, Sugar/Sugar Twin

• Assorted spices: OXO cubes

Please watch for expiration dates. We ask that you make every attempt to donate food that is safe as well as nutritious.

Organize A Food Drive

We actively encourage all members of the community to get involved in the fight against hunger by donating food to The Downtown Mission. Your donation of nutritious, non-perishable, non-expired food items goes a long way in helping us get food to families and individuals in need.

Eight steps to a successful Drive

1. Create your team. It is more fun with friends!

2. Call the Mission to let us know about your Food Drive, we appreciate the heads-up!

3. Visit the Food Room page to see what kinds of food the Mission needs most right now.

4. Establish roles. Who will do what, by when?

5. Define a timeline. Give yourself enough time to meet your deadline and goal.

6. Promote as much as possible — keep your donors up-to-date!

7. Arrange for transportation. A big part of organizing
a Food Drive is delivering the food to the Downtown Mission. We can arrange for pick-up if delivery is not possible.

8. Tell us about your experience through pictures, videos and blogs. If you give us permission, we may share your story on our Web site!

Donate Clothing

The Downtown Mission is pleased to accept new or gently used seasonal clothing and shoes which are passed on to those who come to the Mission at no cost to them. Please call ahead (519-973-5573) to inquire about current needs to make sure your donation can be accepted.”

New Socks and Underwear for Men, Women, Youth and Young Children are accepted any time and can be dropped off at 664 Victoria Ave. between the hours of 9AM and 6PM any day of the week.

The proper aim of giving is to put the recipients in a state where they no longer need our gifts.

– C.S. Lewis