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Every life is a story, thank you for being a part of ours!

Thank YOU for providing food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless and hope for the hurting!

Because of YOUR kind generosity, thousands of men, women, youth and families receive these basic supports and so much more during the most difficult of times.

Thank YOU for being a part of our story and for making an impact on so many in our community!


of our income comes directly from caring individuals, groups
and organizations.

Updated Financial Summary*

Complete audited financial statements are available for download below or by request to

80% Programs & Support

10% Fundraising, Development and Communications

10% Management and Administrative

*Based on 2023 Audited Financial Statements

455 Lives Daily

Funding Sources*

65% of the Mission's resources come from individuals like YOU

Community Donations


City of Windsor

Province of Ontario

Other Income

Federal Government

Because of you

The Downtown Mission provided the following to our neighbours in need

3 0

of shelter provided for men,
women, youth and families.

12 0

provided to those in need,
more than 283 meals each day.

3 0

Provided to 24,205 individuals (13,129 households)

2 0

and 360 Youth supported through their Recovery Journeys


Trained to Job Readiness



Your Money at Work

Thank YOU!

In February 2020, the Downtown Mission made changes to its service model to better serve those experiencing homelessness. All programing and support services were reviewed and changes made to increase our efforts and dedicate our resources to truly put forth a Housing First model of service. In the first few weeks of these changes being made, dedicated staff were able to more than double their previous success rate in helping find our Guests experiencing homelessness a permanent home out of shelter.

Take Chris for example. Chris had been a guest at the Sanctuary Program of the Downtown Mission since June of 2019. Had being the operative word! With the assistance of the Downtown Mission staff, Chris and his partner were able to find an apartment they could call their own, about 10 minutes away from the Downtown core in March 2020.

Participating in the Mission’s Sanctuary program enabled the couple to access additional Mission programs and services to meet their basic needs while their search for affordable housing was underway. “We are very thankful for Mission staff, who were so helpful, they went above and beyond.” Chris expressed extreme gratitude for the diligence and support of Mission staff in helping them secure a safe and permanent housing option. Both continue to access the food services and drop-in supports offered by the Mission while they get back on their feet and settle into their new home.

What is Housing First? The basic underlying principle of Housing First is that people are better able to move forward with their lives if they are first housed. Housing First is a homelessness assistance approach which prioritizes providing permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness, thus ending their homelessness and serving as a platform from which they can pursue personal goals and improve their quality of life. This approach follows the philosophy that people need to have their basic needs met first and foremost in addition to wrap-around supports such as physical and mental health, education, employment, substance abuse and community connections.

Since shifting to a Housing First model on February 17th, 2020, Downtown Mission Staff are able to focus their days on housing searches, setting up viewings and ensuring guests are deemed ‘ready’ for housing. Chris and his partner are two of many Windsorites who have experienced homelessness and one of many housing success stories we have had the privilege of being a part of this year. Their story showcases how temporary shelters and the Housing First initiative the Mission supports play a vital role in helping individuals end the cycle of homelessness. Thank YOU for helping find Chris and his partner a home to call their own for today and a new sense of hope for their tomorrows!

Financial and Other Reports to Download

The Windsor Downtown Mission is a local, not for profit, Christian faith based charity funded through the generosity and support of individuals, churches, businesses, community groups and service organizations.

We consider our donors’ support a sacred trust and believe we will be held accountable before God for the stewardship of those funds and must also be fully accountable to the public.