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What we do

What we do

The Downtown Mission serves those who are hungry, homeless and hurting. Any person who lacks basic necessities, whether it be food, clothing or shelter, will find help and hope at the Mission.

The Downtown Mission serves those who are hungry, homeless and hurting. Any person who lacks basic necessities, whether it be food, clothing or shelter, will find help and hope at the Mission.

Hot Meals

3 meals are served daily between 8 am and 5:30 pm at 875 Ouellette Ave. Dinner is served Monday through Saturday at 1247 Wyandotte St. E for youth during the hours of 4 pm and 8 pm.

Food Bank

The Mission Food Bank is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00am to 2:30pm to provide emergency food for individuals and families in need. It is located at
875 Ouellette Ave.

FRESH Program

The Mission's FRESH Program rescues produce from local farmers and large grocery stores to help provide nutritious meals and snacks to over 60 local schools, food banks and organizations including the Mission's Kitchen and Food Bank.

Hot Meals

Hot meals are prepared fresh by dedicated Staff and Volunteers in the Mission Kitchen. Staff and Volunteers will serve each meal to our guests who are able to eat their meal in comfort in the Mission Dining Hall. Meals are nutritious and vary allowing guests to have an option of what they would prefer/are able to eat.


Provided for all guests who stay overnight in the Mission’s Sanctuary Program between 8:00 am and 9:00 am.


Served for anyone in the Community between 12:00 am and 1 pm.


Served for anyone in the Community between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm.

The Mission’s Meal Service couldn’t continue without the dedication and generosity of our amazing Volunteers and Donors. Donors offer to sponsor a Meal for $500 and Volunteers sign up alone or as a group to prepare and/or serve these meals. Volunteers of families, friends, faith communities, businesses, labour unions and other community organizations join our kitchen staff to help prepare and serve a nutritious meal. The joy of time spent together, building a team and giving back makes a difference in the lives of over 100 grateful people, is a blessed and meaningful way to donate your time.

Food Bank

The Downtown Mission’s Food Bank provides a secure source of food for local families and individuals to help them through a difficult period of their lives.

The Mission’s Food Bank is located at 875 Ouellette Ave. (entrance is from the back, off Pelissier) and is open from 10 am – 2:30 pm Tuesday through Friday.

Those requiring help from the Mission’s Food Bank should bring identification with them, preferably with an address and some kind of income statement from the previous month. As well, reusable bags are requested to help take home the food they will receive during their visit.

The Food Bank operates as a hub for the generous quantities of food that come to the Mission through donations. The Food Bank itself runs very similarly to a grocery store. Each product is checked, sorted and placed in the correct location. Volunteers are dedicated to keeping the shelves/fridges/freezers, clean, neat and well-stocked. Volunteers also help guests coming to the Food Bank navigate the shelves to select the food items they prefer and will eat in their homes.

The Mission’s Food Bank is the only one in our community that provides diapers and formula to young families with budget constraints. These essentials are also provided to young parents through our Windsor Youth Centre program at 1247 Wyandotte Street East. Diapers and formula are available every Tuesday, from 2 PM to 4 PM, during the GENWYC Program.

FRESH Program

Our refrigerated truck makes daily trips to growing operations, wholesalers and retailers to pick up nutritious perishable food, that will not be going to market to supplement shelf-stable food we receive from food drives and other donations.

The rescued food is stored and delivered safely and donated back to over 60 organizations including: food pantries, schools, human care service agencies throughout Windsor and Essex County.

The individuals and families served through the Mission’s FRESH Program are as diverse as our community’s residence – young and old and from all backgrounds and faiths. All are vulnerable, hungry and thankful for the food they are able to receive through the generosity of the supporters of the Mission’s FRESH Program.

If you would like to help the Mission’s Food Services Team, please contact us, we’d love to have your help in feeding those who are hungry in our community!

To Sponsor a Meal –  Donate

To Volunteer as an Individual or a Group – Volunteer