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Sanctuary Programs

Sanctuary Programs

The Sanctuary Program

The Downtown Mission’s Sanctuary Program is an emergency crash-bed program that gives individuals experiencing homelessness a safe and secure place to rest and sleep at night. Our staff is ready to welcome and assist anyone coming into the Sanctuary for much-needed comfort, warmth and safety.

Located at 875 Ouellette Ave our dorms offer beds, blankets, a hot shower and dignity for our guests. Showers and facilities are fully accessible to accommodate anyone needing a shower, with towels, shampoo and soap provided.

The Sanctuary is open from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am on a first come-first served basis. In the morning everyone who exits the Sanctuary and wishes it, will receive breakfast & coffee at 875 Ouellette Ave a few steps away.

If you need to get out of the cold, we provide:

  • A safe, warm place of sanctuary
  • Shower facilities
  • Compassionate, non-judgmental staff

What to expect:

  • Please arrive between 8 pm and 12 am to go through Security and receive a bed/locker assignment (beds are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis while available, special accommodations can be made for job schedules or other approved late entry requirements)
  • Safe and secured Men’s and Women’s  Dorms are available while quantities last and as needed
  • We ask only your name and age, no ID required
  • You are welcome even if you are suspended from the Mission’s Day Programs or from other Agencies’ Programs as long as you adhere to our very basic rules of conduct
  • We don’t share your name with any Government Department (eg. welfare or disability)
  • Hygiene Items & Showers are available while supplies are available due to generous donations from our community (deodorant, soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste available upon request)

If you are interested in sponsoring our Programs & Services Department, please donate here.

If you are interested in learning more or helping in some other way, please contact us at –